May 2022

The Basics of Managing Employee Performance
Rishabh Ranjan May 30, 2022 5:39 PM
Ineffective management of low-performing personnel presents various challenges that can reduce your overall productivity. What’s more, significant problems could arise for your company for years…

What is an Employee Development Plan | Benefits and How to Plan
Rishabh Ranjan May 30, 2022 3:56 PM
Employee development plans are a well-organised sequence of activities that allow employees to grow in the organisation and contribute to what they are passionate about….

Upskill Employees for Happier Customers | Here’s How to Do It
Shalini L May 24, 2022 10:35 AM
Employee upskilling refers to upgrading an employee’s skills. It promotes continuous learning in the workplace by providing employees with development opportunities, helping them improve both…

8 Hacks to Ease The Health Insurance Claim Process for Employees
Shalini L May 23, 2022 4:04 PM
Indians have always shied away from health insurance. That’s probably why around one-third of the country’s population still misses out on the benefits of being…

Background Check for Remote Employees: How Well Do You Know Your Next Telecommuter?
Shalini L May 20, 2022 7:35 PM
It’s been well over two years since the pandemic hit the Indian shores. Much has changed since then. For businesses and startups in India, remote…

What is Enterprise Resource Planning in HR? Is It Even a Viable HR Solution?
Shalini L May 19, 2022 11:06 AM
Technology has fundamentally transformed the basics of running a business. It has taken over chores once unimaginable without human intervention. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) technology…

How Job Evaluation in HRM Can Guarantee Organisational Growth?
Shalini L May 18, 2022 6:00 PM
HR teams worldwide use various methods to gauge the value of a particular job. Job evaluation is the primary process that assists organisations in performing…

Lesson Learnt: Top 5 Training Lessons The Ongoing Pandemic Has Taught Employers in India
Shalini L May 12, 2022 11:29 AM
From ensuring the safety of their employees to ensuring business continuity, organisations have had to scramble to keep things together during the pandemic. While many…

Health Insurance Options for Employees with Special Needs: A Guide for Employers
Shalini L May 11, 2022 3:35 PM
It can be difficult for individuals with special needs to find insurance that covers their needs and wants. This is especially true when it comes…

Empowering Your Frontline Employees with Training and Upskilling
Shalini L May 11, 2022 10:58 AM
Upskilling is a workplace trend. It facilitates additional education and training with advanced knowledge, time and resources. Studies have found that 52% of professionals with…

Life in the Blue-Collar Workforce: Commonalities of a High Performing, Upskilled Frontline Workforce
Shalini L May 10, 2022 11:03 PM
The term ‘blue-collar’ was first used for trade jobs in 1924. It stems from the blue colour of the denim or chambray shirts that were…

What is Reskilling and Upskilling? Understanding What They Mean and How They Differ
Shalini L May 10, 2022 3:57 PM
Reskilling and upskilling help your team meet the demands of the future. Closing skill gaps for blue-collar workers improves employee retention, helps uncover new talent…
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