Creating Growth Opportunities for Frontline Teams
  • card1

    Hire Faster

    Tap into the largest network of Jobseekers

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    Direct Calls

    Receive calls from interested candidates

  • card3

    Contactless Hiring

    ML-based suggestions, video/phone interview

  • card4

    Targeted Applications

    Easily shortlist highly relevant applications

  • card5

    Expanded Reach

    Increase the reach by utilizing SMS & Email blasts

  • card6

    Efficiency Boost

    Manage your applications with AI-powered solution

Unlock the Largest Network of Jobseekers

With Rocket, tap into the largest network of job seekers across the country with over 6cr+ registered and 3lakh+ jobs posted every month. Our AI-based suggestions will help you easily shortlist highly relevant applications, while SMS and email blasts will increase your reach to potential candidates for faster hiring.


Tap into India's largest network of jobseekers with our AI-driven candidate matching.

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