5 Tips To Make Your Recruitment Cold Calls Effective
Effective cold calling helps you sell your company and attract more candidates. Plus, it helps to engage the audience in a positive way, which builds a favourable brand image in the job market. These following cold calling tips for recruiters should be included in the recruiter call script to achieve the best cold calling results.
Cold calling is integral to any recruiting strategy. And recruiters need to know the cold calling tips and tricks to ensure a successful recruitment process. Effective cold calling helps you sell your company and attract more candidates. Plus, it helps to engage the audience in a positive way, which builds a favourable brand image in the job market. All efforts are important in this competitive job market where it is challenging to find the best candidate for a given role.
So, let us check out the cold calling tips and tricks that every recruiter should know about.
Sell your business
Many recruiters assume that job seekers are desperate to find work. Hence, they believe that they are at an advantageous position as recruiters and can indulge in a monologue with the candidate, asking them about their work experience and credentials.
However, recruiters should never forget the importance of highlighting the benefits of the company and the job. They should make it a point to sell the company and the position while recruiting cold calls.
Recruiters should describe why their organisation is an exciting workplace and elaborate on the reasons why a good candidate should select this organisation over others. This discussion subconsciously builds a positive brand image in the mind of the candidates, which could also influence their decision into joining the company.
One helpful cold calling tip to recruiters is that they should display complete transparency while highlighting the benefits of the job and the company. To make recruiting cold calls a success, recruiters should know everything about the organisation and the job position. This helps build trust with the candidate, which reaps favourable benefits in the future.
Engage the candidate
Recruitment is more or less like selling. And a recruitment cold call is the same as a sales cold call. Any salesperson worth their salt will let you know — you cannot afford to sound dull and boring. It inspires no trust in the company. So, recruiters should always avoid sounding uninterested or bored on the call, because the candidate will not feel interested either in your job offer.
Enthusiasm and energy are infectious. So, if you sound energetic and enthusiastic, you transfer that same energy into the person on the other end. This builds interest within the listener and boosts engagement with the candidate. Considering the sheer number of calls that you make daily, being energetic all the time may seem tough, but always try to sound lively on calls. It is better than sounding uninterested and boring.
It is vital to engage the candidates. After all, you have found them to be the best fit for the job position, and you want them to join the company. So, irrespective of the number of calls you make in a day, make it a point to engage with each candidate you talk to. Because you never know your best candidate may be one of those waiting for that final push of energy to jump into your company.
Follow up
Following up is as important as making the first call for the job opportunity. The lack of follow-ups is the biggest complaint among job seekers. Recruiters sound energetic on the first call for the job vacancy. They intrigue the candidates about the job role, but then recruiters go cold. And candidates never hear back for them again. This behaviour lowers their morale, and they lose interest in your company.
The job seekers also share their bad experiences among their network, which further develops a negative brand image about the company. When candidates complain about the bad experience, it is this non-responsiveness of recruiters that they usually talk about.
Follow-up calls are an essential aspect of cold calling. And it should be done diligently. A follow-up call helps build trust and rapport with the candidate. Most of the time, recruiters don’t follow up when they find that the candidate doesn’t qualify for the job. But what if the candidate qualifies for another job opening? You would have already lost their trust, and now, you need to start again from scratch to try and convince them for another job position. Follow-up calls help to build that bond which reaps long-term rewards.
Probe for more information
While cold calling for recruitment, probe to get the full picture of the candidate. This will help you build your data about the candidate. An ideal recruiter call script should include probing questions that seek to unearth details about the background, experience and skills of the candidate. This helps you to shortlist the candidate as per the job requirement.
Sometimes, it does happen that at the start of the call itself you discover that the candidate is not qualified for the job positions, and you do not feel the need to ask any probing question to dig further about their work background. But who knows? You may end up with a surprise prospect for another job opening.
Plus, there is no harm indulging in an insightful conversation with the job seeker. Remember — they are keen to share their details, as they are seeking a new job. And for the recruiter, this information helps create a recruiter database which can come in handy for future recruitment purposes. Inquiring about the candidate helps to build an effective pipeline of ideal candidates for a particular job position. So, if one candidate declines the offer, you always have other candidates on standby to approach with the offer.
Utilise call recordings for recruiter training
Training is a critical aspect of effective recruiting cold calls. Not every recruiter is efficient with recruiting cold calls. Some may need practice and training to master the art of cold calling. Thus, companies should record cold calls made by successful recruiters and use them to train other recruiters on the process.
As many employers and hiring managers are using cold calling to reach out to their best candidates, using call recordings as a part of the training can help the recruiters make their cold calls more effective.
Call recordings are an invaluable resource, the importance of which should never be underestimated. A good cold call can teach about the many benefits of this recruitment strategy. Inversely, a bad cold call teaches even more about the don’ts of cold calling.
These top five cold calling tips and tricks will help you master the art of cold calling, which will inadvertently help you attract and engage with the right talent for the company. These cold calling tips for recruiters should be included in the recruiter call script to achieve the best cold calling results.
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